
fail2ban 是一個用於抵擋字典攻擊好用的小工具,而且支援許多服務,很值得花時間去熟悉它。

系統環境: debian 6 64bit

首先下指令安裝 fail2ban

aptitude install fail2ban

它最主要的設定檔就是 /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf  建議你最好先將此檔備份起來,因為設定錯誤或語法錯誤都會造成 fail2ban 無法正常啟動,而且有時還不會有任時提示訊息告訴你是哪一段錯誤了,反正就是無法啟動,讓你查老半天也查不出問題,反而只要將原始的設定檔一還原後就 ok 了。

若你不幸弄壞了此檔又忘了備份的話,可以從這裡 copy  /usr/share/doc/fail2ban/examples/jail.conf.gz 範例檔回來。

原文件裡提到,最好不要修改此檔 /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf  ,避免弄壞此檔,若有需要加入新規則的話,可另建立一檔名為  /etc/fail2ban/jail.local 這裡面的規則仍會被套用。

底下介紹 jail.conf 的內容


#設定不擋的 IP,可以是 CIDR mask 或域名
ignoreip =
#阻擋時間,單位為秒,過了設定的阻擋時間後,又會重新放行 (設數字 -1代表無限)
bantime  = 600
maxretry = 3
findtime = 60

# backend 指要用何種方式去偵測 log 檔案是否有異動,可用設定值有三個 gamin | polling | auto
# 但目前在 debian 的版本只有 polling 能正常運作,所以沒得選,就設 polling 吧
backend = polling

destemail = root@localhost

# 封鎖行為

# banaction 封鎖時所要執行的動作,可執行的動作盡在此目錄內 /etc/fail2ban/action.d
banaction = iptables-multiport

# 寄信要用什麼程式,保留預設值即可。
mta = sendmail

protocol = tcp

# 底下英文部份保留原始設定即可,不需修改
# Action shortcuts. To be used to define action parameter

# The simplest action to take: ban only
action_ = %(banaction)s[name=%(__name__)s, port="%(port)s", protocol="%(protocol)s]

# ban & send an e-mail with whois report to the destemail.
action_mw = %(banaction)s[name=%(__name__)s, port="%(port)s", protocol="%(protocol)s]
              %(mta)s-whois[name=%(__name__)s, dest="%(destemail)s", protocol="%(protocol)s]

# ban & send an e-mail with whois report and relevant log lines
# to the destemail.
action_mwl = %(banaction)s[name=%(__name__)s, port="%(port)s", protocol="%(protocol)s]
               %(mta)s-whois-lines[name=%(__name__)s, dest="%(destemail)s", logpath=%(logpath)s]

# Choose default action.  To change, just override value of 'action' with the
# interpolation to the chosen action shortcut (e.g.  action_mw, action_mwl, etc) in jail.local
# globally (section [DEFAULT]) or per specific section
action = %(action_)s

# 監獄

# Next jails corresponds to the standard configuration in Fail2ban 0.6 which
# was shipped in Debian. Enable any defined here jail by including
# 底下就是個別監獄的設定內容
# [SECTION_NAME]  ← 個別監獄名稱
# enabled = true

# 你可以把你的個別設定,另外設定在此檔內 /etc/fail2ban/jail.local.
# jail.local 此設定檔的參數可以覆蓋掉原本的預設值
# Optionally you may override any other parameter (e.g. banaction,
# action, port, logpath, etc) in that section within jail.local


enabled = true
port    = ssh
# port 可輸入數字
filter  = sshd
# 過濾條件,可用的過濾條件盡在此目錄內 /etc/fail2ban/filter.d
# 若該目錄內沒有你要的過濾條件的話,那麼你就要自己寫
logpath  = /var/log/auth.log
# log 檔路徑位置
maxretry = 6
# 允許最大失敗次數之後,便開始封鎖

[tip]若不設定 findtime 時間的話,那麼這個 maxretry 的次數是會累積的,在fail2ban 服務沒有重啟前都會累積。換句話說就是你一個月或半年內只要輸錯密碼達3次就會被封IP,若你封鎖時間又設為無限的話,哇~那麼條件就太嚴苛了,會誤擋許多人。[/tip]

由於 ssh 服務已內建於設定檔,現在我們就要新增一個設定檔沒有的服務

新增 asterisk 服務 參考資料

1.編輯此檔 jail.local

vim /etc/fail2ban/jail.local


enabled  = true
filter   = asterisk
action   = iptables-allports[name=ASTERISK, protocol=all]
           sendmail-whois[name=ASTERISK, dest=root,]
logpath  = /var/log/asterisk/messages
maxretry = 3
bantime  = 600


enabled  = true
port     = all
protocol = udp
banaction = iptables-allports
filter   = asterisk
logpath  = /var/log/asterisk/messages
maxretry = 5
bantime  = -1


vim /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/asterisk.conf


# Fail2Ban configuration file
# $Revision: 250 $


# Read common prefixes. If any customizations available -- read them from
# common.local
#before = common.conf


#_daemon = asterisk

# Option:  failregex
# Notes.:  regex to match the password failures messages in the logfile. The
#          host must be matched by a group named "host". The tag "" can
#          be used for standard IP/hostname matching and is only an alias for
#          (?:::f{4,6}:)?(?P\S+)
# Values:  TEXT

failregex = NOTICE.* .*: Registration from '.*' failed for '' - Wrong password
            NOTICE.* .*: Registration from '.*' failed for ':\d+' - Wrong password
            NOTICE.* .*: Registration from '.*' failed for ':\d+' - No matching peer found
            NOTICE.* .*: Registration from '\".*\".*' failed for '' - Wrong password
            NOTICE.* .*: Registration from '\".*\".*' failed for '' - No matching peer found
            NOTICE.* .*: Registration from '.*' failed for '' - No matching peer found
            NOTICE.* .*: Registration from '.*' failed for '' - Username/auth name mismatch
            NOTICE.* .*: Registration from '.*' failed for '' - Device does not match ACL
            NOTICE.* .*: Registration from '.*' failed for '' - Peer is not supposed to register
            NOTICE.* .*: Registration from '.*' failed for '' - ACL error (permit/deny)
            NOTICE.*  failed to authenticate as '.*'$
            NOTICE.* .*: No registration for peer '.*' \(from \)
            NOTICE.* .*: Host  failed MD5 authentication for '.*' (.*)
            NOTICE.* .*: Failed to authenticate user .*@.*
            NOTICE.* .*: Sending fake auth rejection for device .*\\>;tag=.*

# Option:  ignoreregex
# Notes.:  regex to ignore. If this regex matches, the line is ignored.
# Values:  TEXT
ignoreregex =

這個過濾條件的最大用意就是用 正規表示法(regular expression) 去抓 log 檔內含攻擊者IP的特殊字串,變數 HOST 所抓取到的數值就會送給下一步的 action 所使用,

filter 微調說明:

NOTICE.* .*: Registration from '.*' failed for ':\d+' - No matching peer found
[Sep 26 13:20:45] NOTICE[1398] chan_sip.c: Registration from '"phonea"' failed for '' - No matching peer found
[Sep 26 13:20:45] NOTICE[1398] chan_sip.c: Registration from '"linea"' failed for '' - No matching peer found
[Sep 26 13:20:45] NOTICE[1398] chan_sip.c: Registration from '"receptiona"' failed for '' - No matching peer found
[Sep 26 13:20:45] NOTICE[1398] chan_sip.c: Registration from '"ab"' failed for '' - No matching peer found
[Sep 26 13:20:45] NOTICE[1398] chan_sip.c: Registration from '"bb"' failed for '' - No matching peer found
[Sep 26 13:20:45] NOTICE[1398] chan_sip.c: Registration from '"cb"' failed for '' - No matching peer found
[Sep 26 13:20:45] NOTICE[1398] chan_sip.c: Registration from '"db"' failed for '' - No matching peer found
[2014-03-13 10:57:20] NOTICE[2355]: chan_sip.c:25958 handle_request_register: Registration from '"422073419" ' failed for '' - Wrong password


vim /etc/asterisk/logger.conf
在[general] 這個區段加入底下這行
dateformat=%F %T
asterisk -rx “logger reload”

因為 asterisk log 預設的日期格式與 fail2ban不符,所以我們要修改一下才行

filter 寫好之後,可用底下的指令來測試語法是否正確

測試 filter 語法
fail2ban-regex /var/log/asterisk/messages /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/asterisk.conf

fail2ban-client status
|- Number of jail: 2
– Jail list: asterisk-iptables, ssh

fail2ban-client status asterisk-iptables

action 的設定

action 設定檔示意圖 定義動作內容,可以編輯 /etc/fail2ban/action.d/*.(conf|local) 目錄下的檔案,如「iptables.conf」,後續於 jail.conf 中使用該 action 則名為 iptables。每個 action 設定檔中可分為以下幾個主要部分:

可用來載入其他檔案的設定值,預設可自動引用 .local 檔案。
可用來預先定義變數,供 Definition 中使用。
actionstart:定義當 Fail2ban 啟動時,所要執行的指令,如初使化設定。
actionstop:定義當 Fail2ban 停止時,所要執行的指令。
actionban:定義要阻擋某個 IP 時,所要執行的指令。
actionunban:定義要取消阻擋某個 IP 時,所要執行的指令。
actioncheck:定義於每次執行 actionban 或 actionunban 前,所要執行的指令,以判斷是否要執行 actionban 或 actionunban。


可用此指令看 iptables 的變化
iptables -S

[tip]重啟fail2ban 後(重啟指令 /etc/init.d/fail2ban restart )會造成之前封鎖的IP全部清掉,若你希望保留或永久封鎖這些IP的話請用 iptables -S 指令將封鎖指令另行記下[/tip]

注意: asterisk 預設的 log 等級不可修改,否則的話, fail2ban 無法正常運作。請檢查一下此檔 /etc/asterisk/logger.conf 裡的內容是否有這一行
messages => notice,warning,error
若filter正規表示法已有正確抓到IP,但就是沒有封鎖那個IP。可試著修改 jail.conf 裡面的 backend=auto 將它改為 backend=polling

清華大學以 Fail2ban 封鎖嘗試侵入的 IP防治入侵試探防止被暴力猜測密碼阿榮哥的人~蔘~保護你的伺服器 Fail2Ban與其他 AP 交互應用的 HOWTO玩具烏托邦

相同功能的程式: DenyHosts 它與fail2ban的差別在於它是用 /etc/hosts.deny 這個設定檔在做的,而不是用 iptables 做的。


debian 原始碼安裝
apt-get build-dep fail2ban
#去官網下載 fail2ban-0.8.4.tar.bz2
tar jxvf fail2ban-0.8.4.tar.bz2
cd fail2ban-0.8.4.tar.bz2
python install
chmod 755 debian-fail2ban-initd.txt
cp debian-initd /etc/init.d/fail2ban
update-rc.d fail2ban start 98 2 3 4 5 . stop 01 0 1 6 .

分類: linux, voip。這篇內容的永久連結

在〈fail2ban教學〉中有 1 則留言

  1. 林小英表示:

    太感動了…寫得好詳細!!! 謝謝分享:)


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